You know it’s Linsanity, when people who never even cared about the NBA would stay up till the wee hours of the morning watching youtube videos and reading articles about Jeremy Lin.
I’m sure a lot of people already wrote a gazillion articles about him – his winning streak, graduating from an Ivy League school and his enormous faith on God. I am a fan because I just love the whole idea that this ordinary dude came out of nowhere and the opportunity just presented itself and he grabbed it. No – he didn’t just grab it - he made the most out of it. (And he still is!)
I’m sure a lot of people were shocked and disappointed about the loss of Knicks over the Hornets last Saturday but hey – that’s the way life goes. You win some, you lose some. While watching Lin during the press conference, he took the blame and pointed out his shortcomings. Not a lot of people have this characteristic – to admit their own fault, to be humble when defeat strikes you.
I thought to myself after watching that press conference – babawi yan.
I woke up this morning and the first thing I looked up was the Dallas-Knicks game. Vindicated.
Of course – I’m gonna try to squeeze in myself to the picture. Haha! It has been a rough couple of weeks at work, my presentation got shut down and it sucks big time especially when you’ve been getting praises for the past couple of weeks from your previous decks.
I’ve always been a big fan of ‘second chances’. I guess this is a way to get my feet back on the ground and head on the clouds. I thought to myself – I know I’m going to kick-ass on my next presentation. I just have to focus and go through the ropes again.
I mean if the Knicks/Jeremy Lin won the game last Saturday then I think the victory today would have lost its essence or there would be no added market value. Let’s face it. We all look for the drama. There has got to be a conflict or else no lesson will be learned. That’s why there are challenges because they will push us to become better. (Well we all saw that his TOs lessened in today’s game, right?)
I don’t want to sound like a poser proclaiming to everyone that I’m a huge basketball fan because obviously I’m not. I’m just really happy that there’s someone out there who is actually a good example in a very competitive sport. There are still God-fearing and talented men in the globe.
Before I end this entry, I’d like to share a quote I read in one of his interviews. If everyone had this mindset, I believe that anyone can excel in whatever field they’re in.
“There is so much temptation to hold on to my career even more now,” Lin said. “To try to micromanage and dictate every little aspect. But that’s not how I want to do things anymore. I’m thinking about how can I trust God more. How can I surrender more? How can I bring him more glory? It’s a fight. But it’s one I’m going to keep fighting.”
I may be part of the whole Lin-sanity bandwagon but it’s only because he’s definitely a
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