“So what’s your New Year’s Resolution?” a friend asked me a month ago. I laughed and replied, “I don’t know, I actually have no idea”.
I stopped making resolutions for more than a decade ago – thinking of course I’m never going to fulfil them anyway. So what’s the point? All I wanted to do is to (I know this is going to sound cliché’) live life to the fullest. Have no regrets. Keep on doing whatever makes me happy at that moment. I’d want to elaborate on my definition of that but right now I’m not so proud with the things I’ve done for the past couple of months.
With all the series of events that’s been going on, I think I’ve reached my limit. I fell off track. I couldn’t stand anymore so I decided to kneel and say a prayer.
I met up with my cousin last night and we decided to update each other on what’s been going on with our lives. I’m not depressed or anything, it’s not like something terrible really happened or someone died – but I knew deep inside I wasn’t happy anymore.
“Char, you just have to press the reset button,” says my cousin.
In order to press this reset button, and if I want all the programs to work faster in this computer (a metaphor for my life). I knew I had to come up with resolutions. I don’t want it to be a lot so I’ve narrowed them into three only.
Read more & blog more. I get too caught up with my social calendar and my work schedules that every time I go home, I just grab that opportunity to sleep. If I want to widen my vocabulary and come up with better press releases and client presentations, I have to do this. So expect more blog entries this year– will come up with more hilarious anecdotes and write-ups. I know because of this I’ll be able to be save more money rather than spending it 140 peso local beer in crazy clubs or bars.
More time for myself. Giving a lot of your time to other people can be tiring. It’s not that I’ve decided to be selfish but I feel like I owe this to myself. I’ve never even tried travelling alone yet because I enjoy too much the company of my friends. I am grateful though that I’ve finally learned the art of eating alone and it is fun. I like it because I get to think more and sort out my priorities.
Complain less. Easier said than done, right? Okay let’s change my strategy -
count more of my blessings. A couple of years ago in my Starbucks planner, I would always write down the three nice things that happened to me on that day or the three things I was grateful for during that day. I want to start that habit again. This will remind me (and maybe you) that at the end of the day – good always trumps the bad. It’s so obvious because we see it in movies, books and newspapers but obviously we tend to forget them. No more rants on twitter and on facebook. I’ve got to try to harder.
I wanted to come up with a longer list but let’s start with three. If I’ll be able to fulfil all of them in the next three months then maybe I can share with you the other things too.
I was going through Pinterest the other day and I bound into a post which I love! All I could say was – “This is so me.” I felt like this post was done for me. (Selfish!). Aside from the fact that the skirt is color green (my favourite!) – everything written there are the things I dream of doing. Who knows maybe if I stick to the resolutions I said above – I’ll be able to achieve this.

Even if it will be March in a couple of weeks – I guess it’s never too late come up with resolutions or to press the reset button.
I believe that it’s never too late to become a better person.