I'll free my mind when I want to. Speak from the heart if I need to. Amuse you because I have to.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Multi-tasking is a Talent

When I was in college: I was juggling my academics (being a nerd), my participation in the Dance Troupe of my school, participating actively in the Student Council , had a part time job and most important of all – I had a social life.
I think I did the impossible.
When I graduated, the company where I was currently working offered me a full time managerial position. I couldn’t say no since this can be a huge leap to climb up that career ladder.
I was doing Recruitment, Admin Tasks, Marketing and I would find myself also in operations during weekend. To top it all I was EMILY in Devil Wears Prada. Yup I would wash the apples of my Managing Director.
I wonder how I survived. We all have our limitations – I resigned after a year.
I finally made a shift in my career – from retail I wanted to explore PR and Events. The most toxic job you could ever think of.
After being an Account Executive for 2 years, I was offered a position in the PR Department. I couldn’t say no –I’ve always wanted to do it anyway. Now that I’ve been a Media Relations Officer for a year and guess what – I do a little of everything – client management, media management, a little PR writing, booking of talents, and additional admin tasks.
Multi-tasking is a talent but it’s get tiring too.
So is this a curse or a blessing I’ll have to carry for the rest of my life?
Awesomeness in Cebu
We went to Bantayan Island.
And Malapascua Island.
And yeah of course a day or two in the City.
We ended up trashing Mariot Hotel. But it was the best feeling in the world. Not caring or worrying about anything except to have a good time.
This was the trip for the books.
I’m missing this already.

Friday, July 24, 2009
It's all about the money
‘Work hard, party harder’ – cliché but hey, at one point or another we try to live up to that statement. After having a very busy week, I really wanted to unwind. Go out, have a few drinks to the point you’re tipsy with of course the best company. So last night, since it’s one of my best friend’s birthday, we all met up. Surprisingly it didn’t feel like a weekday. Fun fun night and when my brother texted me that he was already downstairs, of course I knew I had to say goodbye to my friends and buy him his favorite Iced Mocha (that’s our SOP when he has to pick me up from a gimmick). Apparently I ran out of cash, so I decided to go to the nearest atm all of a sudden – one of my biggest fears happened – my atm card never went out. This never happened to me. I felt terrible because how will I survive the weekend if I don’t have cash with me, the hassle of going to the bank to request for a new card and etc. Because I’m human and I guess I didn’t know how to handle situations like this, I called up the customer service and of course didn’t give the best attitude. In the end, obviously there’s nothing she can really do right? Went home feeling bad (with matching sermon from the Kuya). When I woke up, explained to my parents and asked them if I could borrow money just to survive for today. When I went inside the cab on my way to work, as I was about to put the money in the wallet …BEHOLD. My ATM card!!!
What the heck right? I have no idea what happened to me last (or maybe I was that drunk?).
Today wasn’t my favorite day at work, we have our good days and bad days, right? Because of last minute requirements, I had to stay in for a few more hours and at the last 30 minutes I was in the office – my brain wasn’t functioning well anymore. One of my good friends had this bright idea of having a massage before heading home and I think that there’s no better way to end a very hectic week. So we went to the spa and prepped ourselves to experience nirvana. Just when I was in the zone, I got a text from one of the directors “Hi Char, you left your wallet here in the office”. So much for the massage.
Two nights in a row, I think I have money issues or this is just plain stupidity or carelessness.
I know that I’ve been so uptight lately and too serious on things, I guess this is God’s way of telling me to take it easy, relax and hey the situation isn’t that bad because you can still laugh about it.
Now do you understand why I had to blog about it? It’s hilarious – Ms. Responsible and Ms. Career girl gets her share of life’s booboos and can laugh about it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Camera Shy Girl Enters Chalk World
My best friend Paulo collaborated with Kris in this concept photography called Chalk World. Without a doubt, I supported him on his new project and dragged my friends –Erin and Twinkle along with me.
You can have your photos taken for 300 bucks for two themes and you get to have the high resolution files too! C’mon admit it, if you’re the type who always want to have a nice headshots or profile pics for your Facebook, you would want to avail their services.
Erin just graduated from make-up school C.A.S. so she volunteered to fix us up. When we arrived in the venue, you could choose a theme which you think will suit your personality. The whole shoot was actually fun – from brainstorming on our templates to the actual shoot.
Twinkle was the 'antagonist' since she's always the devil's advocate and the rocker chic. The only girl I know who will wear boots to a formal dinner.
Erin had the mafia theme since I always kid around with her that she's always up to no good. She claims that the second one is "munster", maybe because she's scary when she gets mad. Yikes!
As for me, the city chic with her cocktail drink, (the truth is I'm a beer drinker) and the Drama Queen. I don't have to explain why, right?
Check out the output below.

Want to know more works of Paulo? http://paunav.multiply.com
Need a make-up artist? http://erin724.multiply.com
More Chalk World photos? http://snapsquad.multiply.com
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Happy Endings
- Gigi, from the movie He's Just Not That Into You
(i know you guys are going to kill me for the spoiler alert)
Yep. That's me. I'm a Gigi. :P
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
In good time
Life always comes to you in good time. There's no need to rush it, and nothing to be gained by attempting to hold it back.
Some things will take longer than you thought they would. Go ahead and get them completed anyway.
Some things will arrive sooner than you anticipated. Go ahead and deal with them when they do.
Make good and thoughtful use of every moment that comes your way. Peacefully let go of any anxiety or resentment about how little time you have or how much time it takes, and simply give your best as time continues to flow.
In good time, you'll get it done. In good time, you'll look back and know without a doubt that you have indeed been moving forward.
-- Ralph Marston
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
out of the picture
Dear Rosie.
So you went ahead and did it. You married what’s-his-name. You looked beautiful Rosie. I was to stand beside you at the altar, and I was proud to be there with you on your special day. I was proud to be your best man, but just as you said at my wedding, I wasn’t the best man that day, what’s-his-name was. You both looked great together.
I got the oddest feeling when you turned your back to me to walk down the aisle with Greg. It was a pang of jealousy. Is that normal? Did you get that feeling on my wedding day, or am I going completely crazy? I just kept thinking over and over in my head, “Everything is going to change now, everything is going to change.” Greg is the man for you now he gets to hear all your secrets and where does that leave me? It was a weird feeling, Rosie, one that eventually passed but one that was present all the same.
I didn’t date talk about it to anyone, especially Sally, because then she would be only too delighted to think that her little theory of men and women being unable to “just friends” was correct. It’s not like I was jealous because I wanted to be your husband, it was just… Oh I know how to explain it. I suppose I just felt left out, that’s all.
Get in touch with me when you get back (from your honeymoon); prove to me that at least some things never change.
- An excerpt from the book ‘Love, Rosie’ by Cecilia Ahern
Sunday, February 1, 2009
When was the last time you got 'kilig'?
When a friend asked me this question a few weeks ago I didn’t even know what to reply. After reviewing the photos in my camera, I think I found my answer.
We were in the hospital a few weeks ago because my lola had a mild stroke. My Tita would always bring food for the visitors, I guess since my dad would spend more than 8 hours in the hospital during the weekend – he wouldn’t want to eat the same ulam that he had for lunch during dinner. So one Sunday my Auntie offered to prepare dinner for my dad although he politely declined and said “Magdadate nalang kami ni Lulli” (which is my mom).
I kinda found that funny because I don’t remember the last time my dad actually had a ‘date’ with my mom.
He said that he’ll step out for awhile to check on the status of my lola with the doctor/nurses and then the next thing I knew he was gone for more than 30 mins. He came back holding two plastic bags of food. He starts preparing dinner for mama and himself. So this is his the definition of date according to Mr. Bong Vilchez.
Yes. Kinikilig ako for them. Check out the smile of my mom. I wanted to barf.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Everything I need to know, I learned from Benjamin Button
No not because Brad Pitt was extremely hot simply because this was one beautiful movie.
There were several quotes that just hit me straight to the heart and tears would just come out of my eyes. I’ve listed down several quotes that I really want to live by from hereon. As much as I want to expound on it with my personal experience, I think this time let’s just keep it a mystery (even if my life is such an open book).
We're meant to lose the people we love. How else are we supposed to know how important they are? – Sybil Wagner
Your life is defined by its opportunities... even the ones you miss. – Benjamin Button
You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates - but when it comes to the end, you have to let go. – Benjamin Button
If you haven’t seen the film, I would really recommend you to have time and just see it. It offers you a brand new perspective on how to live your life each day. It somehow challenges you to be the best person you can be and to just let go of the anger, hatred and regrets in your heart. There are no perfect relationships. Some things last forever. There is a man who can fly.
I love it that this was the first movie I saw this year– and what Queenie would always say is hella applicable: “You never know what's comin' for ya.”. So 2009, surprise me. :)