I'll free my mind when I want to. Speak from the heart if I need to. Amuse you because I have to.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Quote for the Day
-Kent Nerburn
Thanks Zaney for sharing the story and thanks for the company tonight :) Forever cherished.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
There is a way to be good again
There are times when you are emotional - you tend to do the craziest things. Like you’re just extremely happy or in the most terrible pain – you don’t realize that you’ve already neglected your duties, stepped on several people who matter the most or gone against your principles.
You do a toast for your own satisfaction but once your glass touches another – because of the force or your clumsiness – the expensive wine glass breaks.
I can laugh it off and act as if nothing happened OR I can acknowledge the damage, pick the piece up together and clean up the spilled drink.
No matter how embarrassing, painful or difficult your situation is – there is way to be good again. One of the best lines I read from the book, “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini .
As much as possible – we all want to bury the past but sometimes it has a way to claw itself out but in the end – there will always be redemption.
Funny on my way home, the song “Things will Go my Way” by The Calling played in iPod randomly:
For all the lives
I've tasted
Just looking for the truth
For all the dreams I'm chasing
What am I to do
With everything against me
The answers are all wrong
Open now, I'll find out
It was working all along
The past couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster ride. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, I know I’ve misjudged and disappointed a lot of people – I am not perfect but there is always a WAY to be good again – simply because I BELIEVE. I still have my faith to hold on to. It will happen – I’ll be able to clean up my mess and I know it’s not going to be easy to get there but I’ll eventually be the best person I can be. I just have to keep the fire burning. Have that desire to change, have the heart to forgive and the understanding to accept things the way they are.